living, loving and learning in Sydney
Hi!! I’m Hannah Cahill, a 18 year old dancer, craft enthusiast, baker and daughter of the King who is passionate about sharing her journey of faith, ballet and life with you. Come with me as I explore life in all it’s joys sorrows, questions and blessings!
What to do on a long journey
redeeming commute time Since moving to Sydney to dance, I have had over an hour of bus and train time each way. I living in south east Sydney because my flat’s rent is really cheap, but my dance school is in the north, so the added time can be really exhausting and boring at the…
How can I know God’s plans for my life? (Part 2)
Welcome back! In the last blog we looked at part 1 of how to know God’s plans for our lives. Make sure you head over there first, otherwise this might not make sense! To pick it right back up where we left off, in all those testimonies, I noticed something in common, that…
How can I know Gods plan for my life? (Part 1)
God knows us completely, even better than we do ourselves, and what He has for us is better than anything we could dream up, a plan that will truly fulfil what we are made to do. Romans 8:28 says ‘and we know that all things will work together for good for those who trust…
Fuel on a budget
I never realised how expensive living was until I had to live on my own- when you move out of home, there’s suddenly so many little costs that up, and if you are like me and move to a new country, you can’t just pop over to your parents house for laundry powder or eggs!…